(020) 26131405 info@shuken.in


Taking charge of the personality grooming of individuals working in a professional environment, Shuken has created a prominent place for itself. We are committed to provide excellent Training & Development Programme for the budding talents. The range of training Program that we conduct includes Personality Development Programs, Negotiation Skills Training, Leadership Training, Business English Language Training, Team Building Training, Train the Trainers and Advanced Excel Training. All Programs is diverted towards individual growth in terms of personality and skills. All the services can be modified to meet the individual needs and requirements.

We have earned huge appreciation for our training programmes that aim to create an all around personality of individuals so that they can take the challenges of the world with confidence. We have a wealth of experience and a skilled, professional, enthusiastic and supportive team of coaches that collectively works for providing intensive training for the trainees. Moreover, all our programmes are flexible to fit the needs of the candidates.


We offer highly Effective Presentation Skills Training. The Effective Presentation Skills Training aims at building up public speaking confidence, along with a right aptitude to bring forth your view. The Effective Presentation Skills Training is aimed at equipping members with abilities to present what they are trying to communicate with confidence in front of any number of people be it 2 or 200 and create an impact. Our Effective Presentation Skills Training has been highly instrumental in inculcating the desired confidence in individuals.

Structure :

  • Skills required to become a Good Speaker
  • Overcome Fear
  • Opening & Closing
  • Structuring the Body of the Message
  • Tone & Voice Modulation
  • Posture, Gesture & Eye Contact
  • Usage of Power Point & Visual Aids
  • Handling Questions


As a part of our Training & Development Programme, we offer Enneagram Personality Test to the customers. The Enneagram Personality Test is one of the newest personality test systems in use, and emphasizes psychological motivations. The Enneagram Personality Test helps an individual to understand not only him/her self but enables the user to understand others, enabling more effective teams and leadership. The Enneagram Personality Test is conducted to understand the psychologies of different people eventually helping in managing and coordinating in the working environment. A knowledge about the individual’s psyche helps in allocating them tasks that are totally adept as per their personality traits.

Structure :

  • A Brief Introduction of the Enneagram
  • Personality Types in Brief – Each of the 9 Types are explained
  • Characteristics & Preferred Behaviour – Good & Bad
  • Fears & Limitations of own and other Types
  • Relating to Different Types & Others of your Type
  • Subtypes within the main Type
  • Wings – What you and others actually are and the image that is portrayed
  • Stress & Relaxation – Know how your type and others respond to stressful situations and when relaxed
  • Healthy & Unhealthy – Over a period of time each personality type may exhibit the worst characteristics of that type when unhealthy and may evolve within constraints
  • Confusing Types


A sure short key to progress is setting long-term and short-term goals for oneself. Keeping a definite goal in mind makes the individual work in a manner to aspire that goal. It therefore acts as a motivating factor. Without a worthwhile Goal success is left to chance. We help the individuals in deciding their goals through our Goal Setting Programs. The Goal Setting Programs will assist the participant towards defining and monitoring progress of their Goals. The Goal Setting Programs will help the individuals in working systematically to accomplish those goals.

Structure :

  • Need for Goal Setting
  • Goal Areas
  • Goal Time Frames
  • Breaking Down the Goals into activities or tasks
  • Tools to Help you
  • Time Management
  • Monitoring the progress of your Goals

Negotiation Skills Training

A very rare but significant aspect is developing Negotiation Skills. The Negotiation Skills helps in creating a win-win situation for both the parties. The Negotiation Skills Training helps in working in a cordial environment, where both parties feel positive about the negotiation once it is over. Our Negotiation Skills Training is highly instrumental in diverse areas like effective communication skills, sales, property transactions etc. We use a variety of innovative learning processes in our Negotiation Skills Training which are guaranteed to fully engage the learner.

Structure :

  • What is negotiation and why it is important
  • Planning and structuring negotiations
  • Seeing others’ point of view
  • Knowing what to give away and what not to – developing tactics
  • Making decisions and dealing with price
  • Most common mistakes while negotiating
  • Developing a win-win attitude

Leadership Training

Leader is the one who gives direction to the followers. Today the dynamics of a leader is an evolving concept which requires skills beyond those conventionally learnt. The training for inculcating leadership traits in individual therefore becomes palpable. We have evolved Leadership Training that brings out leadership qualities across all types of people who have the skill to take charge to bring about changes. Our Leadership Training has proved to be highly successful in inculcating the desired leadership traits in the individual.

Structure :

  • Comprehending human behavior and identifying the strengths of team members
  • Different Leadership Theories
  • Understand leadership qualities and put into practice different leadership styles
  • Be aware of motivation and delegation
  • Learn to take effective and quick decisions
  • Providing a common vision to build strong teams and learning to respect each others’ views

Business English Language Training

Considered as the universal language, English has become indispensable in order to work in any company nowadays. We offer such Business English Language Training to train the students with Basic English skills in order to grow in the corporate world. The objective of the Business English Language Training is to equip the trainee with language skills that will enable the trainees to communicate in the English language at a level higher than what the trainee had started. The aim of the Business English Language Training is to make the trainee comfortable using the language, recognizing language flaws and weaknesses. With our Business English Language Training, the trainee will be able to recognize and rectify language flaws and become more confident in using the language. The Business English Language Training is need-based and is divided into modules as per the requirements of the clients. We undertake a detailed Language Needs Analysis before recommending any module to the client. The clients’ current and future needs are taken into consideration and needs and shortfalls addressed accordingly.

Structure :

  • Those who want to improve their current level of the Language and get better at using the language
  • Those who want to improve their English Language Business Communication skills
    • After a detailed need analysis, the candidates will have to be assessed to place them at the right level of their current Language ability. They will then be trained to attain the next level of Language proficiency.
    • Grammar and vocabulary will be taught in every class – taking them higher each day. This will include understanding the concepts, practicing and then imbibing the concept taught through exercises, games and role-plays.
    • Speaking and presentations in almost all sessions
    • Error corrections will be done by including peer knowledge and participation
    • Interactions within the group to enhance the confidence and comfort in using the language

Team Building Training

We conduct Team Building Training Programme that helps in training individuals to work with a team spirit. Individuals are trained to be better performers but it is the team that makes Organizations. The dynamics of team behavior is very different from that of individuals that make up the team, implying that new skills have to be learnt to deal with Team Morale and Motivation as well as Management of the individual member’s functional & project roles. Whether it is to improve Inter-Departmental rapport or improve the motivation of the Employees, the Team Building Workshop is a great way to Reinforce the Organization’s Vision to the Entire Team and re-orient the team’s performance as a whole. We offer such Team Building Training that encompasses all the above factors. The Team Building Training can be customized in a variety of ways as per the Organization’s Situational need.

Structure :

  • The need for a Team
  • Characteristics of a Team
  • Stages in a Team’s Life Cycle
  • Roles Played by individuals in a Team
    • Function/Job Related Roles
    • Maintenance Roles
  • Conflict Resolution

Train The Trainers

A trainer gives shape to the individual’s basics in the corporate world. Therefore training the trainers have become an indispensable part for any individual. A Trainer or Teacher has needs which go beyond presentation skills. We are therefore providing workshops to Train the Trainers. We will Train the Trainers to conduct effective Workshops which are engaging, educative and motivating. The Workshop is built around the Experiential Model for Adult Learning.

Structure :

  • Needs assessment
  • Understanding the Principles of Adult learning
  • Meeting training objectives
  • The learning environment
  • Various training techniques
  • Audio-visual & other training aids
  • Designing & structuring the training program
  • Presenting
  • Handling questions & dealing with difficult participants
  • Evaluation of a Training Program

Advanced Excel Training

The use of Excel Spreadsheet has become highly essential in the modern day business world. We provide Advanced Excel Training that helps the individual in having a background about how to use Excel in your business ventures. The Advanced Excel Training aims at equipping the participants with the skill necessary to use the Microsoft Excel Tool whether it is for Data Presentation, Manipulation or Analysis. Hands-on training is intended to be given and requires each participant to have access to a laptop/desk-top throughout the program.

Structure :

  • Basics
  • Interface
    • Modeling in Excel
  • Working with Data
  • Using Tables
  • Data Validation & Conditional Formatting
  • Naming Ranges and working with named ranges
  • Grouping, Sorting & Filtering
  • Consolidation of Worksheets Reviewing, Sharing & Printing Worksheets
  • Built-in Functions in Excel Financial Functions Mathematical Functions Text Manipulation Functions Date Manipulation Functions Logical Functions Conditional Functions Referencing Functions
  • Pivot Tables and Charts
  • What are PivotTable reports and PivotChart reports?
  • Creating a PivotTable
  • Laying out your PivotTable
  • Designing your PivotTable Creating a PivotChart
  • Charts Types of Charts & their Creation Common problems in Charting Special Charts
  • Decision Making with Excel Scenario Manager Goal Seek Solver Add-in Data Table
  • Import and Export of Data from various sources Importing from Access Importing from SQL Linking Data to Word & Power Point Consolidating Worksheets
  • Macros What are Macros & Why use them? Recording a Macro & Playing it back Macro Security
  • Introduction to VBA for Excel What is VBA? Modules Some Coding basics